A dating and matchmaking agency in Geneva

Find the right person dating in Geneva

People from Geneva can be rather reserved, they prefer to take time to meet the ideal person. Therefore, choosing an agency like Macbeth assures that the match will suit the user’s preferences. We take the time to analyze our client’s personality and beliefs in order to provide a result that would take years to find in the offline world.

All you want is to meet a cool, quality person with similar values to yours. Someone with a similar lifestyle. Someone to share your life with. Is that really too much to ask for? It isn’t anymore. Macbeth is your personal matchmaker in Geneva. We make the contacts for you, and tailor every part of our service to your needs. Macbeth Matchmakers take the stress out of the dating process and actually make it fun.

With us, you’re not alone in your pursuit. The dating and matchmaking agency in Geneva truly understand people and relationships. They’re experienced, they love what they do, and they’re good at it. Before you commit to using our services, we invite you to stop in for an initial meeting, no strings attached. You’re going to love our system and our matchmakers. And they will find you that special someone.

International matchmaking services

Our European Dating Agency offers its services internationally. Wherever you are located, we have the ideal candidate to make your life complete.

  • We ID-check all profiles, so you know who you’re meeting.
  • We provide guidance before your date, to boost your confidence.
  • Optional date and life coaching services.
  • Follow-up meetings with your matchmaker after your date.
  • Customized searches and personalized matchmaking in Switzerland to find the ideal partner.
  • Psychological assessments.
  • We ask the questions, so you can focus on the chemistry.
  • We’ve all been on those uncomfortable dates where the ongoing questions begin to feel like an interrogation. You’d like to connect with your date, but you can’t get past the surface. Our dating agents will handle the questions for you, so you can concentrate on the most important thing: connecting with your date.

Dating in Geneva

We offer an international service which means we have an office in the main European cities. That’s why we have experience in Genevan dating.

Before we set you up with the right people, we need to know you well. Once you’ve filled out an initial profile form, we’ll assign you a personal matchmaker in Geneva. You’ll then be invited to our office for a one-on-one interview, to get to know you and pinpoint exactly what it is you’re looking for. Your matchmaker will use that information to find a list of possible matches. And you decide from there.

Expert Matchmakers in Geneva

If you’re interested in dating in Geneva, you definitely want to check us out. Yet we are totally different from the other Switzerland dating sites. We customise the matchmaking process. We make a point of really getting to know you, and then we show you only the profiles that truly match your criteria. A boutique matchmaking experience that ends when you find your ideal life partner.

The public that approaches Macbeth stands out because of its variety. We work with middle age users, but also divorced or senior clients. We believe that there are no age frontiers when dating and that finding ones soulmate can be possible at any age.

Our services include senior dating, dating over 40 or 50. This means that any user can benefit from our dating agency. No matter where you live or who you are, we can help you in the search of your partner.