A Switzerland dating site: Discover Macbeth

A dating agency in Switzerland that fits your needs

Leave all the time that looking for the right person to us. With the help of an elite group of professionals in our staff, we are able to help people find the love of their lives without our members having to invest the time this task usually requires.


Whether you are looking for some dating in Geneva, or anywhere else in the World, Macbeth, dating and matchmaking agency in Switzerland, has the right service for you. By getting to know you personally, we’ll find the best match for you and as we have done countless times before, we will allow people who otherwise would had never met to create a life-long, loving relationship.

Your information is secure with us

It is not uncommon for people to be wary of sharing personal information with online matchmaking sites and they are right to be it. Personal data is sometimes shared with third party organizations and with people who are willing to buy the information.

One of the aspects of Macbeth’s service that sets it apart is our emphasis on securing information. We do not share the data that you enter in our site when you register or at any point. We know how much our members value their information and that is why we focus on making sure no unexpected agents can access it. This is part of our privacy policy and we take it extremely seriously.

Our team has developed a proven process that produces the best results of any Switzerland dating sites. Our process is carefully designed to get to personally meet our members so that we can understand exactly what they are looking for before running any algorithm. The human touch is extremely important for us. We have also worked on making the process easy on our members, and you can understand it as easy as counting to five:


1. Application for Membership

2. Registration

3. Introductions

4. Dating

5. Feedback


During the application, you will get detailed information about the services we provide, and it will allow us to get to know you better.

Then, during the registration process, we get to know each other more into depth. Through it, we will learn and evaluate important factors like your personality, your values, your physical appearance and your body language. These aspects along with many others will allow us to understand you much better here at Macbeth, the dating agency in Switzerland.


Once we got to know you more, we will provide you a list of carefully selected profiles that match your personality and desires.

Once you have made your choice, you will start spending time and getting to know people who fit your lifestyle. During the dating stage, you will be able to find out how compatible you are with our members we have recommended here at your matchmaker in Switzerland.

Finally, you will let us know how the date went and if you fill like moving forward. The feedback you give us will allow us to further enhance our matchmaking ability as it provides new information to us that we can use when looking for someone for you. The more honest you are throughout the process, the easier it becomes for us to find the perfect match for you and rest assured, we will.

Take your time, be patient

We have no limit for the amount of dates you can go out on in terms of matchmaking services in Switzerland. Our main goal is to help you find that special someone you are looking for and we do not put a number on that. You may date more or less often according to your own availability and preferences. In any case, we are convinced that quality is more important than quantity, so our focus is in making sure you find who you are looking for and not in you going out in more dates than you would want to or have the time to.